Contrinex to launch PocketCodr

Content by:
Mark Weymouth - PLUS Automation
February 2, 2023

Perhaps one challenge delaying engineers and designers from exploring SMART sensors is having easy access to program them – Therefore, in February, Contrinex will launch PocketCodr, a hand-held unit which links to a Smartphone app-based configurator, making it easy to explore the power of Contrinex’s high-resolution SMART inductive and photoelectric digital-measurement sensors.

PLUS Automation received a PocketCodr as a Christmas present from Contrinex, and so we have already been able to see how easy it makes setting up and monitoring SMART sensors. We connect the app on our phone to a touch-screen laptop, enabling us to demonstrate how easy it is to use the configurator on a large screen - You can’t do that with the more usual gift of ‘Christmas socks’.

The PockerCodr app, which is available on the Google and Apple app stores, presents a graphical user interface, and features ‘Action Widgets’ which enable users to interact directly with sensors, see real-time parametric changes on live data charts, and store, and retrieve settings.

The PocketCodr not only simplifies the configuration and commissioning of SMART sensors, but it also allows engineers to set up and interrogate any IO-Link-enabled device. For example, we have used it to reconfigure normally-open sensors, into normally-closed sensors, for a customer.

Contrinex’s ground-breaking SMART sensors offer machine designers efficiency gains, cost reductions, higher throughputs and reduced waste. SMART photoelectric sensors are soon to be launched to complement the existing SMART inductive sensors. The photoelectric sensors will offer SMART functions in addition to measuring distances up to 300mm, in either 30 x 20 x 10mm C23 cubic or M18 cylindrical bodies.


• Smart-phone based configuration app

• Graphical monitoring of status and values

• ‘Action Widgets’ speed up sensor configuration.

• Configure and monitor SMART and IO-Link sensors.

• Contrinex SMART sensors provide exceptionally reliable, industry-leading detection,

• SMART inductives available in robust Stainless steel metal housings,

• SMART photo-electronics resistant to washdown & process fluids,

• Shatter-resistant PMMA optics, lighter & tougher than glass on photo-electronics,

• Long sensing ranges.

Click to download Contrinex’s Product Overview brochure

PLUS Automation aims to help engineers and designer #MakeSenseofSensors to improve automation and machine performance using Inductive, Machine Safety, Photoelectric, Pressure, Process, RFID and Ultrasonic sensors from Contrinex, ReeR & Satron.