Milestone reached - MRPeasy

Content by:
Sara Duff - Smart Manufacture
April 20, 2023

MRPeasy, a trusted provider of manufacturing ERP software for small manufacturers, is proud to announce that it has reached the significant milestone of having 300 clients in the UK and 1300 worldwide. Increasing number of small manufacturers turning to software MRPeasy, the cloud-based software provider for small and medium-sized manufacturers, is excited to announce that it has hit the important milestone of having 300 customers in the UK.

This is an impressive achievement that comes only a year and a half after reaching the 200 customer mark, and it is clear that more and more manufacturers are seeing the benefits of MRPeasy's affordable and user-friendly ERP/MRP platform. MRPeasy's success isn't just limited to the UK, however, as they've also recently chalked up 1300 customers worldwide.

“It’s not a secret that UK manufacturers, especially small and medium-sized ones, are in a precarious position right now due to both global and local economic circumstances,” says Sara Duff, UK Business Development Manager at MRPeasy. “But data also shows that small manufacturers are increasingly turning to inventory management and production planning software such as MRPeasy to make their processes more efficient and cost-effective. Reaching 300 clients in the UK only confirms this and we are very happy to provide this support to UK manufacturers.”